The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123550   Message #2721538
Posted By: Azizi
11-Sep-09 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Diversity In Former HomogenousSocieties
Subject: RE: BS: Diversity In Former HomogenousSocieties
(Btw, I hope you know you're stirring up a hornet's nest...)

Me? Stir up a hornet's nest? That doesn't even sound like me at all.



Seriously, I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone or a group of people with anything I've written.

I think that this is why moving toward multiculturalism can sometimes be so difficult. People might innocently walk into cultural mine fields that they have absoultely no clue exists.

But if you were serious meself, and if doesn't cause any (more?) damage, I'm curious what prompted your comment about me stirring up a hornet's nest for (with?) the British Mudcat contingent.