The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123516   Message #2722356
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Sep-09 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spare thoughts for Spaw - home on Saturday!
Subject: Slightly Better!
Karen just called. He is doing a little bit better in that they did not have to vent him last night, when they thought they would have to..that is GOOD! She thinks he is almost out of the woods. He loves having his back scratched. She knows if he were awake enough he'd be bothering about his back hurting so much from lying in bed so much. He rolled over when she was visiting, so she scratched his back, knowing it would help him feel better. She was laughing when she told me he started making sounds like an ol' hound fact she said if he could he would've been kicking his legs it felt so good.:-) That's some visual, eh?

Karen says THANK YOU to you all and she loves us and will call when she knows more. She and the boys are going to go up this afternoon for a visit. They are very strict about visiting hours, esp. in ICU.
