The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7295 Message #2722697
Posted By: GUEST
13-Sep-09 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
Subject: RE: I Ride An Old Paint
In Montana (the northwest) the word is houihan -- in the Southwest, esp AZ, it is Hooley-ann. It is a loop used when roping horses - I have seen it thrown many times. The rope is not swung around and around 0 that would scare the horses - it is usually swung once and thrown and a good cowboy doesn't miss.
I Coulee and a draw is about the same thing.
From my great-grandfather, I learned to sing "I'm ridin' Old Paint, I'm leadin' Old Dan . . and Dan was a pack horse.
This song is about going to Montana to rope wild horses - yet some confuse it with gathering cattle. The word houlihan is the key word. That loop is for horses.
"Little dogies" has been added to this song -- it doesn't belong in it. Prob confused with another song.