The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7295   Message #2722728
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
13-Sep-09 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
Subject: RE: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
I've always used the "son" one - I am sure I got it from Carl S's book....I like the humor of that line.

For the closing I have also used, "together we'll ranble the the land we love the best." No idea where that came from - just the way I've known it.

Burl Ives - Song In America p.210 has,

"Lead out my pony, lead him out of his stall,
Tie my bones to the saddle, turn his face toward the West."


I don't like the flow of Seegar's " Put it on to my pony, lead him out of his stall," awkward like a finger pickin lick hic-cough...