The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123591   Message #2722896
Posted By: Alice
13-Sep-09 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Quiz: Saints For the Sick
Subject: RE: BS: Quiz: Saints For the Sick
St. Vitus is the patron against oversleeping
he was boiled in oil, martyred along with his tutor and nanny
Germans started a tradition of dancing in front of St. Vitus on his feast day, connecting his name to St. Vitus Dance disorder, and he is also patron of dancers. Feast day June 15.

He is patron for many things, including these illnesses or injuries:
beast and snake bites
lightning strikes
Rheumatic chorea
and is patron of actors, comediennes and dancers
June 15 feast day
I know those things aren't on your list, but many people connect St. Vitus to illnesses, but those are the specific ones he is historically connected to.