The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123591   Message #2723111
Posted By: Rapparee
13-Sep-09 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Quiz: Saints For the Sick
Subject: RE: BS: Quiz: Saints For the Sick
The Answers (verified by "Butler's Lives Of The Saints"):

1. Carbuncles: St. Cloud, September 7
2. Hemorrhoids and/or venereal disease: St. Fiacre, September 1
3. Myopia: St. Clarus, Jauary 1
4. Impotence (no, there is no St. Viagra): St. Guignole, March 3
5. Ergotism: St. Anthony the Great, January 17
6. Seasickness: St. Elmo, June 2
7. Sneezing: St. Quentin, October 31
8. Sciatica: St. Dometius the Persian, August 7
9. Worms: St. Benen, November 9
10. Hangover: St. Bibiana (Viviana), December 2

Guignole is, yes, who the theatre in Paris was named after. St. Quentin has a prison in California named after him. St. Fiacre is also the patron of Parisian taxi drivers. There is another prison in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

If all of these bother you at once you could try St. Jude, patron of the impossible. Go for St. Christina the Astonishing if you think you have all of them at once -- she's the patron saint of psychiatrists (if you read about her you'll understand why).