The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7295 Message #2723134
Posted By: Barry Finn
14-Sep-09 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
Subject: RE: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
Farewell, fair ladies, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne, Farewell, fair ladies, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne, Good-bye, my little Dony, my pony won't stand.
(Refrain sung after every verse:)
Old Paint, old Paint, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne. Good-bye, old Paint, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne. Old Paint's a good pony, she paces when she can.
In the middle of the ocean, there grows a green tree, But I'll never prove false to the girl that loves me.
Oh, we spread down the blanket on the green, grassy ground, And the horses and cattle were a-grazing all 'round.
Oh, the last time I saw her, it was late in the fall, She was riding old Paint, and a-leadin' old Ball.
Old Paint had a colt down on the Rio Grande, And the colt couldn't pace and they named it Cheyenne.
For my feet's in the stirrups, my bridle's in my hand, Good-bye my little dony, my pony won't stand.
Farewell, fair ladies, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne, Farewell, fair ladies, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne, Good-bye, my little Dony, my pony won't stand.