The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123608   Message #2723290
Posted By: Rasener
14-Sep-09 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: Sad News From Court Sessions
Subject: RE: Sad News From Court Sessions
Sorry to hear that Vic. I had to close Faldingworth Live at one point for the same reason of Health, Family and lack of volunteers, so I can understand the situation.

Since then, I was asked to continue it, which I did, but only with great support that I get now.

I have always been at Village Halls and it has been great. We have a bar, so that overcomes the drinking side. Although when we didn't have a bar, people brought their own. The great thing, is that the people that come along want to listen to the music and we don't get the yobbo's

I think the folk world should support village halls and the community, not the pubs. Too many pubs are closing, but a village hall can serve the community for many reasons.

Anyway, good luck for the future.

Les Worrall