The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123634   Message #2724137
Posted By: GUEST,One Longfellow Square
15-Sep-09 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: Bruce Molsky in Portland, Maine
Subject: Bruce Molsky in Portland, Maine
Two great folk music acts this weekend at ONE LONGFELLOW SQUARE in Portland, Maine. (207)761-1757 or for more info!

Fri, Sept 18, 8pm, BOREAL TORDU, Celebrating the release of their new CD, Les Chevaliers, Boréal Tordu is a rhythmically unstoppable, lyrically fantastic blend of Acadian traditions with original Americana sensibilities. ($12 adv/$15 door)

Sat, Sept 19, 8pm, BRUCE MOLSKY, Bruce Molsky has been exploring traditional music from an astonishingly broad range of cultures over the past two decades, synthesizing them and refracting them through his own evolving sensibilities. Putnam Smith opens! ($15 adv/$18 door)

Hope to see you out!