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Thread #123659   Message #2725132
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Sep-09 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
To treat a corporation legally the same as if it were a living human being is ludicrous.

A corporation is potentially immortal, since it has no physical body, but is simply an idea put into legal form. Ideas are capable of living forever. A human being has a physical body, is mortal, and inevitably dies in time...but a corporation lives on and on by replacing its expendable human representatives (the board of directors) with other expendable human representatives.

It has no soul, but people serve it as if if were a living being that could command them.

It has no mind, but they obey it.

It has no body or heart or consciousness, but they let it become their master.

It becomes, in effect, a deathless and meaningless monster created by the ambitions of men whom it outlives and it is served by those men and others who eventually replace them.

Its sole purpose is to profit through competition and thereby enlarge itself. Thus its material appetites are unlimited...and they are not controlled by any form of moral consciousness.

That makes a corporation one of the most dangerous and ammoral artificial lifeforms that could possibly be imagined.

You could say that it's a sort of a Frankenstein monster, but unlike that monster it does not exist in bodily form. Therefore you can't shoot it, burn it, or destroy it through any physical means. You can only go after its human servants....those who work for it.

It is madness to abandon the control of society to the ambitions of these mentally created entities called corporations, which are by their very nature heartless, mindless, and soulless and live only to devoure and enlarge themselves. The corporation has come to serve the same function as a growing cancer does in a human body...and that is to eventually consume and destroy its host.