The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123659   Message #2725433
Posted By: John P
17-Sep-09 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
Wouldn't it be nice if corporations who knowingly take actions that kill people were put to death? All assets taken away, all investors out in the cold. Do that to a few large corporations, and investors would start demanding ethical behavior instead of profits at all costs.

Corporations are, by their nature, immoral. Their only reason for their existence is to produce money for investors. If some CEO started acting ethically instead of profitably, they would be out of a job in a nanosecond and some less ethical person would be making the profitable decisions.

Until the owners of corporations start getting hit big time for the sins of their organizations, there is no reason to expect them to act like real people.