The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123659   Message #2725737
Posted By: Bobert
17-Sep-09 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
First of all, it is a given tha the Roberts/Alito/Scalia/Thomas Court will see fit to strike down over a hundred years of precedence... That is a given becuase they are all corporate puppets...

But the best argument against alolowing corporation to buy up as much advertsing time and to put out whatever lies they want to in the forms of faike documentaries is simple: Corporations trade on a stock exchange and every stock holder owns a share of that corporation... Now when the Board of Directors, or the CEO decide to use money form a publicly (stock holders) owned corporation run ads they are, in essence, saying that the represent to the feelings of every stock holder, or if not, that some kind of vote were taken and those who do not agree with the ad lost some kinda of vote...

That is bullshit!!!

I mean, let'as step into the real world here... Lotta folks have 401's, right... They don't sit at their computers everyday and buy and sell stocks... No, most don't really have much of a clue about the affairs of the corporations in which they own stock...

Everyone with us so far...

Well, should a corporation buy an ad without the full knowledge to the owners of the stocks then it would seem to me that that corporation is guilty of hoodwinking their investers... I think the term racketeering is what it's called....

So, bottom line, when Robert's Boys give a green light to their corporate bed-buddies they are in essence giving a green light for these folks to be exempted from the law...

Real pickle, ain't it???

But it is going to happen by the activists Roberts Court...

Might of fact, before these activist assholes are reigned in they are going to shread as much precedence as they can find to shread on any issue that comes before them that makes the right wing all warm and fuzzy...
