The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123659   Message #2726209
Posted By: Bobert
18-Sep-09 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
Funny thing is that it's a right winged group that is bringing the current case because they were forbidden to air a phoney-baloney documentary on Hillary Clinton...

But I agree with Sawz on this one in that I don't want corporations to have the same power to express themselves as individuals just becasue the corporations have the money to do so... I don't wnat the Swifboat Liars doing it and I don't want Move on doing it and I don't want Blackwater, Halliburton of General Electric doing it... This wasn't what the Founding Fathers had in mind here, folk...
