The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47624   Message #2726262
Posted By: Tootler
18-Sep-09 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: How to play the 'Blues Harp'
Subject: RE: How to play the 'Blues Harp'
AC, I agree that chromatic harmonicas have their limitations, but your previous post seemed to be so negative about diatonic harmonicas that I felt some comment was needed.

All instruments have their limitations and the choice of instrument involves compromises somewhere.

If you are playing a diatonic instrument, then your choice will usually be governed by the type of music you are playing and whether your instrument will meet the demands placed on it by the music you play. For my own purposes, Paddy Richter tuned diatonics will do what I want. In fact they give you two complete octaves, but dominant to dominant rather than tonic to tonic. They also have some interesting harmony possibilities in modes commonly encountered in Traditional music in the British Isles. Most of the time, three harmonicas suffice to play the tunes I meet here in NE England, G and A in Paddy Richter tuning and a low D in normal Richter tuning. A Paddy Richter tuned C is also useful. Contrary to what you say, it is possible here in the UK at least to buy Paddy Richter tuned harmonicas so I don't have to retune them myself which I prefer not to do, though I am sure I could if I had to, I just don't want to.