The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24128   Message #272637
Posted By: Rick Fielding
06-Aug-00 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: Jewish Influence on Folk Music
Subject: RE: Jewish Influence on Folk Music
Pete Seeger's many appearances at Camp Nyvelt (hope I've spelt that right...I am a Goy after all) influenced a whole generation of Canadians who spread the "folk Gospel" (excuse use of irony) to friends and children. Folk music camps and song circles would simply not exist were it not for Jewish folks.

Davis Grisman talks about going South in the early sixties with the New York Ramblers (an early city Bluegrass band comprised of young Jewish kids) There was a hell of a lot of snickering and cutesy name-calling (Jewgrass being one of them) but when the band started playing and SINGING with skill, the old Mountain tunes, quite a few of the Big-name bands took notice.
