The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123699   Message #2726808
Posted By: Phil Edwards
19-Sep-09 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: Terry Wogan plays folk!
Subject: RE: Terry Wogan plays folk!
Maybe SMTtF is possibly a tricky song for singers to treat with freshness, simply because it's been done and done over and again.

I dunno. Not really knowing whose records to buy (and being a cheapskate) for quite a while I learned songs from lyrics in the public domain, supplemented by 30-second snippets from record company sites. In this case I only heard the first verse and half of the second. And so it was that I sang SMTTF in a form which I think nobody else has ever sung it in, viz. with repeats:

My young love...

She stepped away from me...

The people were saying...

She stepped away from me...

Last night in my bedroom...

She stepped away from me...

Worked pretty damn well, if I say so myself. But I stopped doing it after realising that everyone else sang it straight through - I genuinely hadn't realised.