The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123686   Message #2728097
Posted By: haddocker
21-Sep-09 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Jody Gibson/Cranky Yankee's daughter seeks stories
Subject: RE: Jody Gibson/Cranky Yankee's daughter seeks stories
      I just went to your site and listened to most of your songs. I always knew you would be great whenever I listened to you back in the day. How old were you back then? That was 1970. I had just gotten out of the Navy and was trying to lose myself in my music and forget about Nam, just bummin'around the country with my guitar and banjo. Tried to work in a respectable job while in Providence for a short time, then headed south. The coffee-house I mentioned was run by a Minister and it was downtown adjacent to a restaurant/bar that apparently had ties to organized crime. I remember being on the stage one night when two guys in shiny suits and slicked back hair(this is UNDERCOVER?) came racing through the back door and out our front door. Shortly after, we heard shots fired and of course the arrival of the police. Someone remarked "Just another day in downtown Providence".
    But getting back to your singing, many thoughts were running through my mind as I listened to your most profoundly spiritual presentation. First, you are a credit to your father and most certainly a credit to Malvina Reynolds who must have had a considerable influence on your spiritual journey. I was thinking how she and your father must be above, smiling , she saying to him "You done good, Jody!" And I have to say, hearing your blues numbers, Billie Holiday and Big Mama Thornton are saying the same thing. I sang for awhile in D.C. with a woman who had a voice and style like yours, and at one point I just couldn't do it anymore because it hurt when she sang with me. The emotional intensity that would erupt actually brought about physical pain. I had a lot to process back then and instead of dealing with it I just kept pickin' and drinkin'and movin'. Your blues style is quite powerful and it comes through a voice that reflects the power of woman; the power of Eros; the power of Creation.
    Secondly, your "If I Were God" should be played on every station and in every church. I have a Master's in Theology, and I have never heard a statement so clearly put regarding the nature of God, which is not to be confused with what is popularly accepted as human nature, a term which needs to be revised. You can really break down all of the barriers with that song.
    Well, Joyce, I can go on and on. We have to sit down for a talk sometime. I will be getting to one of your gigs, and I will most definitely be buying your CD.
    I am so glad you posted to this site.
                   Blessings and peace,