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Thread #123659   Message #2728325
Posted By: Donuel
21-Sep-09 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Corporate Personhood vs Democracy
previously posted hypothetical if the corporations win this case:

The year is 2011 and our election is being held with twitchy armed National Guard on duty in 28 States due to the shootings of "Democrat" candidates and the attempted assignations of Barack Obama. Some pundits agree that three full length movies released in September are at the heart of the horrible violence.
The first movie released was 'The Kenyan Candidate' followed by 'The Need to Know'.
The Barak Obama film portrayed a violent rape of a Wesleyan co ed by a young Mr. Obama and "The Need to Know" movie explored the 'above top secret' defusing of nuclear weapons in seven different states under the executive supervision of Richard Cheney.

A smaller feature called 'Only a Mother's Strength' is the inside story of Sarah Palin's experience at top level briefings in national security policy meeting deep within the Pentagon and her actions during her European trip in 2007. It shows her learning the secret struggle against the emerging evil that plans for the destruction of the great Satan, the United States. The most dynamic scene portrayed Sarah Palin striking fear into the heart of then president of Pakistan Mussarev by showing him the spread pattern of 50 US multiple warhead nukes and their overlapping blast zones covering his entire country.   

All the movies were produced, funded and distributed by the following Corporations: Pfizer, Bank of America, Exon, United Health Care, Kaiser Permanente, Squib, Johnson and Johnson, Fox networks, Peabody Energy, Lockheed, Black Water and others.

In November the Cheney Palin ticket wins in a landslide losing only 25 electoral votes.

How could this happen? How could this happen? True, Americans are highly gullible with short memories. This could happen because the Supreme Court can rule that Corporations not only have free speech rights via the press and political action committees, but also have the free speech to pay for, produce and distribute full length films to promote candidates of their choice. Unions however were not granted this special free speech provision. Essentially the McCain Feingold campaign reform had been found unconstitutional and the 100 year precedent of limiting the Corporate financing of political elections was now completely unregulated. The $85 billion profit of Exon alone contributed two billion dollars to their new found freedom of speech.

During confirmation hearling Judge Roberts said that over turning a long standing prededent would require unusual proof and would never be taken lightly.

We will see.