The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47624   Message #2729271
Posted By: The Sandman
22-Sep-09 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: How to play the 'Blues Harp'
Subject: RE: How to play the 'Blues Harp'
well Steve,search and you will find,its out there and available
I have listened to your tracks,which are competent,and Very occasionally very good. but [imo]not in the class of the Murphys.
I would agree with the reviewer,quote [Perhaps sometimes the pace veers towards the plodding, as on the jigs, Out on the Ocean and Blarney Pilgrim.]
On those tracks and a couple of others you dont sound like your enjoying yourself,it sounds like your being too careful,and are frightened of making mistakes.
when I listen to Trip to Cullenstown[the Murphys]I hear musicians who sound like they are enjoying themselves,I hear musicians who sound at ease with their instrument , their joy of playing and their skill shines through.,it sounds like dance music,you cant stop your feet tapping
they very occasionally make chordal mistakes,however their music makes you want to get up and dance.,and IMO is a joy to listen to.
your playing of the Carolan numbers is good,your song accompaniment and your ornamentation is good,but its all too restrained and polite for my taste,to me the harmonica is a dirty low down instrument,you sound like you would be at home at the vicars tea party eating cucumber sandwiches, its clean cut, very refined and[imo] just too polite.