The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47624   Message #2729486
Posted By: The Sandman
23-Sep-09 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: How to play the 'Blues Harp'
Subject: RE: How to play the 'Blues Harp'
I hope you take my criticism as constructive,your playing is good,I do think that if you were to add chords occasionally[only a personal opinion]your style would be improved,my thoughts are these,that the addition of occasional chords would turn your playing from being good to excellent ,I think chords [in the right places]help to provide more emphasis and a bit more oomph and drive.
this is why I think your playing of the o carolan peices is better than the polkas and the out on the ocean set.
its these two tracks that particularly lack drive.
I would be interested to know why you think my remarks are clueless.
I live close to the sliabh luchra area,and am very well acquainted with the cork/ kerry style of polkas,I hear a lot of Sliabh Luchra music and I reckon your playing lacks the necessary drive and rhythym.,its just not dancey enough.
if you cant take constructive criticism ,thats your problem not mine.