The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123805   Message #2730249
Posted By: SteveMansfield
24-Sep-09 - 05:57 AM
Thread Name: hardest instrument
Subject: RE: hardest instrument
From above - (how does one put it in italics??)

Basic HTML is a whole bunch quicker and easier to learn that any musical instrument, but I suspect that's probably also partly a mind-for-that-sort-of-thing thing.

1. Type, or copy & paste, the text you want to italicise.
2. Where you want the italics to start type <i> into the message editor
3. Where you want the italics to end type </i> into the editor
4. Preview to make sure you've done it right
5. Bob's your Uncle.

Replace i with u for underline, b for bold, and loads more HTML fun is yours for the Googling.

Two hundred message angry debate about starts in 5 ... 4 .... 3 ....