The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47624   Message #2731436
Posted By: Steve Shaw
25-Sep-09 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: How to play the 'Blues Harp'
Subject: RE: How to play the 'Blues Harp'
Not only do I listen to Johnny O'Leary, I've heard him live, chatted with him and bought him a pint or three. Salt of the Earth. Rest ye, Johnny! I also listen to and admire the playing of Jackie Daly, whose "Sliabh Luachra Vol 6" album got me playing Irish tunes on the harmonica. The problem is, Dick, is that you seem to think that living there is some kind of qualification for sounding off about it. Not so, as you so amply demonstrate with your ill-considered opinions. I'm sure that there are hundreds of country music fans who live near you who are about as qualified to pontificate about Sliabh Luachra tunes as I am to expound my opinions on the little green men who live on Saturn's fifth rock. Proximity is no qualification at all. One of the great things that sets Sliabh Luachra music apart, if indeed it is apart these days, is the direct and unadorned approach. When I play those slides and polkas that's what I try to do. If it's wrong but I'm still having fun anyway I shall simply have to shrug in your general direction. Chordal my arse, octaves my arse. Do what you do do well and stop trying to be so prescriptive. Neither Johnny nor Jackie would admire you for that. And neither do I.