The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63618   Message #2731488
Posted By: Emma B
25-Sep-09 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: dyslexia jokes offensive?
Subject: RE: dyslexia jokes offensive?
Judy Goldblum-Carlton says that "The most powerful thing we're given is our ability to laugh. It's our greatest gift, especially if we can laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves so seriously."

Well folks some of the jokes are very funny, as I said, spoonerisms and 'mondegreens' can be hilarious, I particularly like the Pullitzer prize one and intend to steal - sorry 'borrow' it :)

However as a dyslexic the only 'offence' I can take is that many of the so called jokes here have really nothing whatsoever to do with dyslexia and refect a general ignorance about what dyslexia is and ISN'T!

It seems it's not only dyslexics who apprently have trouble reading; please take a look at some of the posts from people like myself with this 'condition'

And please post jokes that actually relate to the real problems and unintentional humour of dyslexia like confusing marital and martial -as someone with this condition I can assure you there is a goldmine out there waiting to be mined and shared with people like myself

But please spare us the 'jokes' that suggest we cannot distinguish between God and dog.
I don't often find myself agreeing with Lizzie but - we are not idiots!