The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8328   Message #2731600
Posted By: MGM·Lion
26-Sep-09 - 01:03 AM
Thread Name: Origin: The Girl I Left Behind Me
Subject: RE: Origin: The Girl I Left Behind Me
Absolutely likewise, Joy. One of the things I am finding as a comparative nOOb to Mudcat, is what wonderful friends one can make worldwide thru it. And there is nothing, is there, like email, PMs, &c, for keeping in instant touch. I have dear friends in Santa Monica, a much-loved sister-in-law in Chicago [all the link left me to my darling dead wife], first cousins in Virginia & Canberra, with whom I can exchange views & messages boom·boom by email. & now all these lovely friends on Mudcat, like you and several in the US likewise — why, my cup runneth over...

Email/PMs [& The Web] are like polythene, aren't they? — whatever did we do before!

All bestest of best - Michael