The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50919   Message #2731667
Posted By: GUEST
26-Sep-09 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Just the Way You Are (Ralph Freed)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Just the Way You Are (Ralph Freed)
Ralph Freed was my dad- Someone above did a great job in posting the lyrics (I Like My Eggs Over Easy)-- not the Billy Joel song. :o)
Well, the song was written way before anyone "discovered" OCD LOL

When dad was having financial difficulties, Frank Sinatra heard about it and included the song in his album Songs For Swingin' Lovers.
Dang! I'm 70 now, 35 inside- then I look in the mirror and it says "So you think you're 35, huh? Well, forget it!" lol

Found this site when I googled the lyrics for the Susan-boyle fan site. :o)

I am so delighted people still like this song! :o)
Vicki F Smith