The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106539   Message #2731733
Posted By: Vic Smith
26-Sep-09 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: Royal Oak, Lewes - Thursdays
Subject: RE: Royal Oak, Lewes - Thursdays
I could be the one to tell you how outstanding Michael Marra was on Thursday, but I am the organiser, so it would sound better coming from a member of the audience..... here's an unsolicited email that I received yesterday:-

What a glorious evening, Vic! We have so many good evenings at the club, but there are some which simply stand head and shoulders above the rest, and this was one of them. Mick Marra is just so special, there are so many mixed layers of humour and dark sub-text and glorious use of language; but it's also his presentation and performance which put the cherry on the top, because no matter how often I listen to CDs, it's not the same as a live performance. I thought I was finally de-sensitised to "Happed in Mist" - until tonight...

And could anybody have expected anything which could *add* to such a night? And yet we got it! Again I say: *BOOK* Ben, Laura and Tab: book them now, before they get ludicrously expensive and start touring the world! It's a trio made in heaven. Her voice is the perfect foil to what Ben and Tab have been doing, so very well, as a duo; it lifts and brightens and highlights, and they respond by raising their game too (as if they needed to!). It reminded me of when Jon Boden and John Spiers came in and did that memorable floor spot ... I don't need to tell you!

What a night!

Well, yes we certainly will be booking Laura Hockenhull, Ben Paley & Tab Hunter but in the meantime there is something really lovely next Thursday.....

Oct 1st * £6.00 * BEVERLY SMITH & CARL JONES
Old- Timey tunes and songs accompanied by banjo, guitar, mandolin and fiddle by two top American performers on tour. They were great on their last two visits.

...and don't forget the song & tune session this Sunday afternoon.