The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123840   Message #2731905
Posted By: gnu
26-Sep-09 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lots of guns, but no bullets
Subject: RE: BS: Lots of guns, but no bullets
Anyone with a brain woulda snapped up the buys at the Wallymart at tha end a tha huntin season a few years back when interest rates went in tha shitter. I mean, a box a Win 12's for $4.97 (CANUCK!)??

Hot damn! I got me enough ta git all tha birds I will ever git iffin I ever hunt agin, even with my bad eyesight. And, anyone what didn't snap up the sales back then waddn't deservin on accounta this here new steel shot law is mor'n nuff reason ta git er done, no mind any shortages.

I bet that there Obama fellah never bin on his hands and knees after an ol cock what knows tha pines by name an tha alders by birth. Course, I guess that's what all the fuss is fer.
