The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123879 Message #2731987
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Sep-09 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blowing My Mind
Subject: RE: BS: Blowing My Mind
Sometimes it's wiser just to know that something is a certain way rather than to set about trying to determine why it is that way.
To know THAT it is that way is usually all that's really necessary. After all, why does an apple taste good? Why??? WHO CARES? It just does taste good, so go ahead and eat it.
Ever been around a little kid who does this endless "why" thing?
"What are you doin', mister?"
"I'm fixing my car."
"Why are you doin' that?"
"Because it won't run right if I don't fix it."
"Why won't it run right?"
"Because the timing belt is broken."
"Why did it break?"
"I don't KNOW why it broke!"
"Why not?"
And so on......... Got any idea how annoying that can get after awhile? And how little it actually achieves?