The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60077   Message #2733781
Posted By: Tyke
29-Sep-09 - 12:30 AM
Thread Name: Lending instruments especially in Pubs
Subject: RE: Lending instruments especially in Pubs
My instruments are insured in my own home however when I looked into insuring them at gigs I found that they would only be insured on a stage that was 2ft high. Not a lot of them about over here in pub's and clubs so it's not practical. In any event at least one of my instruments would be very difficult to replace.

I started this Thread and refreshed it just to make people aware that they should not feel alone in their dislike of being asked to lend out instruments. Landlords will hopefully take note that they should be supportive when a musician say's no sorry I don't.

You are not being mean or grumpy saying no and hopefully others will support you when you do say no.