The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123936 Message #2733935
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
29-Sep-09 - 07:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should Polanski be extradited to the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Should Polanski be extradited to the USA
I read her entire testimony, and it sounded a rather sordid business to say the least. Polanski however was furious that his behavior had been criticised at all, as according to him, in Europe his actions would have been no big deal.
Another thing I found rather unsavoury was the fact he apparently raised her past, as some kind of defense his actions. She openly admitted in court to having had sex twice previously, but irrespective of that, she claimed to have repeatedly refused and attempted to avoid sex with HIM.
What I find offensive about Polanski's slur on her character, is that while a thirteen year old girl may experiment with peers (and they do), it doesn't necessarily mean that she is therefore automatically legitimate game for a middle aged man.