The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24142   Message #273517
Posted By: Little Neophyte
08-Aug-00 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: Picking Playing Partners
Subject: RE: Picking Playing Partners
It sure is like a marrage jeffp.
There is a group of individuals I know personally who formed into a new band. In this particular band the female lead singer has a very domineering personality. It kind of pulls down the rest of the group. Really sad to watch because the band has such potential. These individuals live in a small town and have known each other for many years. But how do you replace your lead singer when you live in a small community where everyone is so intertwined.
I guess it would be the same issue as if you lived in a small town and decided to leave your wife for someone else who lived there. Somehow these people still manage to play 'musical chairs' within relationships.
But with this particular group of individuals it is to the point that this band is not requested much at gathers to perform because no one wants to socialize with the female lead singer.
