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Thread #123951   Message #2735602
Posted By: Stu
01-Oct-09 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gordon Brown's Labour conference
Subject: RE: BS: Gordon Brown's Labour conference
"Isn't that what labour have done already Jack?"

Not on the scale the tories want to. For starters, they fully intend finishing off the job of destroying the unions started by Thatcher. They will cap party donations at £50k for both the corporate sector (which is needed) and unions. This will essentially pull the rug from under Labour in terms of funding as the unions are their main contributors, each member's subs goes partly to funding the party they set up.

This is very bad news indeed. As the Labour party was started by the unions for the working people (a fact lost on many NuLabour wonks it would seem) this means the end of the modern Labour movement. The key social reforms of the last 100 years have been Labour reforms: the NHS, the minimum wage, nationalisation of the country's infrastructure. All the suffering from the Tolpuddle Martyrs, the strikers of 1927, the miners etc will have been in vain. Without the tempering of the political left we will end up in the same state as the US with essentially right-wing parties vying for power with not a lot to choose between them in real terms.

Coupled with that, Scotland will not tolerate tory rule and would more than likely vote for independence in the referendum next year if Cameron get's in. If that happens Labour will loose it's core of Scottish MP's that sit in Westminster and be unlikely ever to form a majority as the Welsh don't have the numbers and the South-East of England, which effectively dominates the country is almost wholly tory.

This would be a disaster as finally the old Etonians and public schoolboy network will come to further dominate British politics. We'll loose the NHS, the minimum wage and they will finally sell off what remains of the family jewels in an orgy of privatisation. Forget equality, education and healthcare. Forget society - they still think there's no such thing.

I agree Labour have let us down to an extent by sucking up to the right and starting unwinnable wars, but they have also made big inroads in social reform that make millions of people's lives better. If the tories get in, then the likes of the people that caused the financial disaster Skarpi wrongly blames on British politicians, the dedicated, unelected, unaccountable capitalist elite, will have free reign over us all and to them we are a revenue source and not citizens of a democracy.

Did I say a generation? Perhaps I should change that to forever.