The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63618   Message #2736053
Posted By: SINSULL
01-Oct-09 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: dyslexia jokes offensive?
Subject: RE: dyslexia jokes offensive?
I get your point, Smokey. One basis of humor is the unexpected and ridiculous - we have a guy dancing around with an umbrella in an UN rain. Other passersby also hurry along trying to stay drier. And the befuddled cop gets soaked. Add to that - this is an icon of American movies - Gene Kelly in An American In Paris - being spoofed. BUT the dancing is remarkably good. And the cop jumps into the water trough in resignation. An upside world. A sacred icon gently but beautifully ridiculed. Irreverence. Lots of elements of humor.

Ever see Carol Burnett as Scarlett O'Hara?