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Thread #124069   Message #2738118
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
04-Oct-09 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Afghanistan is the new Vietnam
Subject: RE: BS: Afghanistan is the new Vietnam
Well, for once I agree with Stringsinger.

The Taliban represent the extremely conservative element in the northern Pakistan-Afghanistan region. They are not Al Queda, but of course help from any source is welcome when one is besieged.

Afghanistan has never had a unified population; those in the Kabul region tend to be less conservative, and perhaps ripe for a push toward Western ideas, but the Pushtun of the south and east are two or more generations away from accepting our 'modern' ways.

A measure of stability prevailed in the brief periods when the 'government' in Kabul recognized the fundamental differences in religion and culture of the two areas, and more or less let local leaders govern in their areas.

If the EU and U. S. do defeat the Taliban, its members will just pull back, knowing that they can garner support again at a later time.
It is a no-win situation, regardless of military victory.

Talks aimed at letting each cultural division have control in their regions, plus efforts to displace Al Queda as a force and voice, is the best solution.

(I have avoided terms such as Shi'ite and Sunni; while applicable in the broad sense, there are strong cultural variations regionally.).