The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124069   Message #2738274
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Oct-09 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Afghanistan is the new Vietnam
Subject: RE: BS: Afghanistan is the new Vietnam
Our politicians will pretend that those 8 young Americans died for someone's freedom...or some other grand concept like that. They didn't. They are sacrificial victims on the altar of corporate interests, and so are the Afghans who die fighting them.

The ruination of Aghanistan began with the Russian invasion, continued under the oppressive regime ushered in by American-backed holy warriors (the Mujahedeen...who then became the Taliban) after the Russians left, and has gone into its third hellish phase with an American and UK-sponsored invasion. What Afghanistan needs is to get all the foreign occupiers out and return, hopefully, to something resembling what the country had before the Russians invaded it.