The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123935   Message #2738391
Posted By: Folkiedave
04-Oct-09 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Home Education UK
Subject: RE: BS: Home Education UK
Dave, have you seriously sat yourself down and asked yourself why you're so obsessed with me?

Actually no Lizzie I haven't stopped and asked myself because I'm not.

I have interacted with others in this thread and a list of my what I have written shows I normally have a wide variety of postings.

I do get involved in threads with you because you do write unsubstantiated horlicks so often and like others on this thread when people write unsubstantiated horlicks I feel it needs to be challenged or substantiated.

As as example you wrote about the young people getting cervical cancer vaccines. I haven't made a full check - but as far as I can see no-one has agreed with you, including someone who is currently at school and discussing this with her parents and her peer group. What you wrote was complete and utter tosh,

You referred to a university and its think tank. What you said about it was palpable nonsense but since you have a cavalier regard for facts that is not unusual.

I happen to have respect for truth and facts. You can have as much disregard as you like for the truth, but while ever you post nonsense expect me to disagree with you.

And let me get this absolutely right, you rang someone who you thought was a pedophile but was in fact a pediatrician you knew wouldn't answer the phone to you?

Truly remarkable!!