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Thread #124046   Message #2738786
Posted By: Jack Campin
05-Oct-09 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Things that help people with Dyslexia
Subject: RE: BS: Things that help people with Dyslexia
I have done the doctype. Is that any better?

The problem now is that <font ... > tags aren't part of HTML 4.01 Strict, which is what you've said your page is. So it hasn't made any practical difference yet. You need to figure out what kind of HTML you're actually using and make sure the DOCTYPE reflects that.

This is only going to affect a fairly small number of users - those with idiosyncratic display settings in their browsers and a browser that cares about this stuff. But getting it right shouldn't disadvantage anybody else. Unfortunately I don't have any FrontPage documentation so I don't know what it's trying to do.

I started getting visual migraines a couple of months ago (like I need another visual problem, no way!). Do a Google Image search on visual migraines for different people's artistic impressions of how visual migraines manifest. Heat haze effects is one of them.

I started getting visual migraines a couple of years ago. The effects for me are nothing like the depressive shimmer - my migraines produce the classic sparkly-edged central scotoma. And they're over in a few hours, whereas the depressive shimmer is continuous, worsening over a period of months or years. I'm sure somebody out there is getting visual migraines often enough to disrupt reading, though.