The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124176   Message #2740973
Posted By: open mike
08-Oct-09 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: H1N1 flu, I think I have it
Subject: RE: BS: H1N1 flu, I think I have it
ihave had some wierd fever, aches, congestion, etc.
i wonder if it is possible to get a test to see if
it is swine-ish. (blood? swab? )

do not be afraid to rest, and don't try to do too
much too soon...Alice,

i have been knocked out for about a week...
still have a nasty cough...

i thought flu was usually an intestinal deal..
vomiting, etc, but i guess it can settle in
the lungs as well as the tummy and G.I.

get better, and take care.

i have heard of some swine cases in this county,
and others in neighboring it is