The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124104 Message #2741206
Posted By: Vic Smith
08-Oct-09 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: Arts Council Funding for EFDSS
Subject: RE: Arts Council Funding for EFDSS
In the last decade, the EFDSS has turned itself around to be one of the most vibrant and positive forces for folk and traditional music in this country, from the dull stuffy organisation that it used to be.
If the Arts Council were to have looked at EFDSS 15 years ago, they would have concluded, rightly, that they were not worthy of support. A detailed inspection of what they are up to now would show an almost unrecognisable improvement.
The harsh critics of EFDSS - and I count myself amongst them - can only drop their jaws at the changes that have been made. Congratulations to everyone involved.