The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124185   Message #2741589
Posted By: RangerSteve
08-Oct-09 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
I'd like to be considered for the post of Secretary in Charge of Countries That Are Too Small to be Noticed, And that Should Be Part of a Bigger Country, but Aren't For Reasons That Nobody Quite Understands. (Malta, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino). Yurp's a big place, and those guys can get overlooked. There you are, trying to rule the place, when all of a sudden, these little guys start making trouble, asking questions, wanting favors, and suddenly you realize you've never heard of them. Why not send them to me, a guy who knows of their existence? I'll pat them on the head, say something patronizing, like "Aren't you cute?", give them a cookie and send them on their way, and you (Bobert) can devote your time to more important things, involving countries that matter. I'll even declare Cyprus to be part of Asia, in case that hasn't been done yet.