The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124160   Message #2741752
Posted By: Barry Finn
09-Oct-09 - 12:52 AM
Thread Name: Is This Man An Icon ?
Subject: RE: Is This Man An Icon ?
Icon maybe, maybe not

I've always loved Donovan's singing of
Black Is the Color (Trad)
Catch The Wind
Epistle To Dippy
There Is A Mountain
Season Of The Witch
Sunshine Superman
To Susan On The West Coast Waiting
Universal Soldier (Buffy St Marie)
Wear Your Love Like Heaven
The Tinker and the Crab

After his double album 'Wear Your Love Like Heaven' & 'A Gift From A Flower to a Garden' which there were songs on which I loved & some of them I still do, I began to fade as a fan. (my kids loved falling to sleep to my singing of some of his songs from both of those, some 2 decades after I first heard them)
He also was on the scene when it came to protesting the Viet Nam War through music & his career suffered some for it too, not nearly as much or as bad as Buffy but he was cut too. He has possibily over 30 LP's to his name & I'm not gonna count the number of hits but I'm sure it's more than most here who are tossing the shit his way. Am I making anybody squirm.
I love Trad music as much as anyone one else here & probably am a bit stiffer about mixing it up with rock & singer/songwriter stuff but when he was in his prime he was well loved by those of my generation that didn't have their heads stuck up their asses or weren't straight laced trad-o-fucks.
I never met the guy but as far as I know anyone who did that I spoke to spoke highly of him (not like that Dylan guy, who was a pain in the ass to those that I've met who've met him, yet he's an icon), his accessability & his human humbleness.

Someone wants to give him some praise, "LET THEM" their are plenty of famous fucks out there in folkdom that got a lot more with folkies approval & who deserved far less.
Many folkies came to this music through the likes of him & a good few others of his time & day

If he were in my area, I'd go to see his in a New York second, as I would John Sebastain, Buffy St Marie, Spider John Keorner, Paul Butterfield, Richie Havens, Grace Slick, Jim Kweskin, etc.
