The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124217   Message #2741971
Posted By: Stu
09-Oct-09 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
"Let the trash talk I see it has......"

I suppose that's a reference to me? It's 'trash talk' because I don't agree? Bollocks.

I'm not trashing Obama or anyone except the board who awarded this prize to him. The idea that Obama has suddenly become a panacea for all the world's ills is a delusion the US can't afford to labour under.

This is a feeble PR stunt. Give the prize to the many Chinese dissidents struggling against brutal oppression, the people trying to make the peace process work across communities in the North of Ireland, the lone voices trying to bring people together in Palestine and Israel. Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace Prize but war criminal Kissinger did.

This is political grandstanding pure and simple. Obama might be wonderful (I would have voted for him), but he's in charge of the world's biggest military and a relentless and belligerent Pentagon that has yet to be tamed. He's only been in the job 11 months, we've no idea of his rhetoric will become action.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating and it isn't even out of the oven yet.