The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124104   Message #2742038
Posted By: synbyn
09-Oct-09 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Arts Council Funding for EFDSS
Subject: RE: Arts Council Funding for EFDSS
This is terrific news, and an endorsement of the focus that EFDSS have created through their schools project- having seen the final concert and witnessed the children's enthusiasm, I can only say that this seems to be the way forward. Tuition is part of a groundswell which will provide the continuity... as Bob Copper used to put it, we don't want to be the ones who broke the chain. Now there are the means to strengthen it a little. And at last to be enthusiatic about the folk music of England is being seen not as narrowly nationalistic, but as embracing an important component of a balanced view of our heritage.