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Thread #124217   Message #2742121
Posted By: Emma B
09-Oct-09 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
It seems to have come as a bit of a suprise even to the American liberal news website The Huffington Post

"However, in awarding the Prize to the President, the Committee has risked undermining much of the President's momentum on a number of fronts by focusing supporters and detractors alike not on what he has done, but on what he hasn't...

While it is true that he has reached out to the Muslim world in unprecedented ways, reengaged our allies, and helped the U.S. reach a tremendous milestone in race relations, and spoken out on nuclear disarmament, he has yet had the chance to solidify gains on any major policy issue or really have the opportunity to turn his attention to issues of peace.

In fact, as Afghanistan becomes increasingly discussed in many quarters as a war of choice, Obama has had to focus his attention not on peace and diplomacy, but on calculations of war.....

... today many around the world are questioning whether Obama's accomplishments during his short time are deserving of this great honor.
And, at a time when some are feeling disappointed that Obama's promises of change are not being fulfilled fast enough, this award may not be actually be helpful to the President in the way that the Nobel Committee hopes.
Rather, it may shine a spotlight on a lack of accomplishment, even for those who support the President.

So, in addition to having to live up to the hopes that his campaign and election raised at home and around the world, President Obama will have to earn, in the minds of many, this prematurely bestowed award."

The Nobel Prize Committee May Have Done Obama More Harm Than Good