The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124217   Message #2742241
Posted By: Genie
09-Oct-09 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Subject: Barack Obama awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
Doug, if you think "everybody" loves Obama, you haven't been paying attention to the TV and radio media.   The amount and intensity of outright hatred for and vilification of this man is so out of proportion to any of his faults, failings, misdeeds, or misguided plans that it defies credulity.

There have been 400% more death threats against this President than against any other US President in US history. And a lot of this vilification began long before he took office, even before he was elected.

Obama has never presented himself as a "Messiah" type. His message is "we," not "I." And, in fact, a major reason his 'liberal' base has been so disappointed so often is that he insists on trying to "work across the aisle" and forge "bipartisan" solutions to problems (despite the apparent unwillingness of the Republican Party to work with him even on "centrist" legislation).    I actually wish he WOULD act more like a "leader" sometimes and less like a mediating "community organizer."

The "Messiah" epithet is just one of a slew of negatively-charged labels that Obama's opponents try to pin on him to gin up that hatred.
He's a "fascist" and a "communist." (Now, there's an oxymoron for ya.)
They call him a "racist" and a would-be "Messiah" and a "dictator" -- based on what?

If the world at large "loves" this US President more than they did George W Bush and Dick Cheney, maybe that's because this President doesn't think the US and its citizens and the multi-national corporations are all that matter in the world.