The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124057   Message #2742278
Posted By: Richard Bridge
09-Oct-09 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do I contact Facebook?
Subject: RE: BS: How do I contact Facebook?
Er - wrong Den. Go the the fake mudcat and rummage about. All still there, one or two still hiding.

I have a new big job on for an important new client, but I might get onto some shock and awe for Fakebook on Sunday. I need to do it for the pro bono lawfirm who might take us on as part of a class action. I am optimistic since the introduction is via a former partner of mine (who used to act for U2).

Yes, the class action may resolve the problem as a whole. What is needed is not peace, but the defeat of the forces (well, that's a rather over-strong word, maybe "la force et la faiblesse") of evil.