The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124167   Message #2742681
Posted By: greg stephens
10-Oct-09 - 06:15 AM
Thread Name: Recordings of Shallow Brown?
Subject: RE: Recordings of Shallow Brown?
In view of my prervious remark about the Thomas Carfrae version, I will reproduce Snuffys transcription, but remove all the queries(which basically apply to nearly every word, so dreadful is the recording quality).
So, here is the Snuffy Carfrae version:

I blame the Boston curvers on the lane but shallow sea
But it's you can pay the ocean on the road to Tandragee
Oooooh, lee coming to, and dad win the game bag evermore
Shallow, Shallow, Shallow Brown never more
Oooooh, Shallow Brown
Shallow, what's the matter?
Shallow Brown

Great eh? What was in the game bag? Maybe a battered set of playing cards,an old frayed Monopoly board, and a chess set, sea stained with pieces missing. Or was it a bag with a few partridges and a hare in it, brought aboard by a poacher? And those Boston curvers, they sound a shifty sort of bunch. What had they been up to?
(my efforts at transcribing had something vaguely like "boat to starboard" rather than Boston curvers, but I think Snuffy's is much more in keeping with the enigmatic nature of the piece)