The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124104   Message #2742687
Posted By: The Sandman
10-Oct-09 - 06:34 AM
Thread Name: Arts Council Funding for EFDSS
Subject: RE: Arts Council Funding for EFDSS
so thats Gateshead,and Lancashire,covered,that leaves vast areas of the cOuntry where the only tuition is in the hands of Comhaltas.
EFDSS should be spending some of their funds in rectifying this,and should be providing tuition,it is the job of EFDSS to promote traditional folk dance and song,tuition.
I think that this is vitally important,this is a reason why I prefer to be a member of Comhaltas,than EFDSS,because Comhaltas despite their faults[and they have many]are actually providing comprehensive tuition.EFDSS ARE NOT.
EFDSS would benefit from looking at where Comhaltas have been successful,lets look at the national fleadh,and the regional fleadhs,for all the criticisms of the competition system,the positive spin off is large,many musicians getting together and making music,plus the financial boost to the local economy[which is very considerable].