The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119380   Message #2742975
Posted By: Jack Campin
10-Oct-09 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
Subject: RE: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
Somewhere in Anthony Alpers' book "The World of the Polynesians" there is a translation of a short musical drama about Captain Cook's visit to Mangaia (?I think) written down by a missionary within living memory of the event. Text and sorta-stage-directions but no tunes, though.

There is also a tune commemorating Mai (or "Omai" as the Europeans called him), the Tahitian who came back with Cook to London.

S:William Campbell: New and Favourite Country Dances, book 2
N:Dundee, Wighton, 92520 H
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F>GFE       Ddde       |fd^cA                d2          D2:|