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Thread #124217   Message #2743162
Posted By: Genie
10-Oct-09 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
DougR, it may depend on what those troops are used for.   If they blow up villages and treat the Afghani people as enemies, that will obviously be at odds with this "Peace Prize." If they serve more in ways that help rebuild Afghanistan while using espionage, etc., to find and destroy Al Quaeda, the "war" there may be over (or at least we may be able to withdraw) sooner.

Little Hawk is right.   There is not a lot that Obama can do to work towards peace as long as the big corporations who own our courts and our legislatures see war as good business.
And as long as the military is so heavily indoctrinated by right wingers, Obama may not have the kind of cooperation he needs from them.

Little Hawk - PM
Date: 10 Oct 09 - 02:59 PM

You are right, pdq, that the divided nature of America has not happened by accident, but is intentional.

The easiest way for a shadow government of huge finanical interests to disempower the general public is to set them at each other's throats through divisive partisan politics and divisive issues of all kinds. It also provides a good excuse for heightening domestic surveillance, increasing police powers, and reducing civil rights.

Obama himself does seem to have a whole different attitude towards the value of other nations and their people (and cultures) and towards how to work towards peace than the previous administration did.   At least, unlike Dubya, I don't think one of his goals or main strategies is "to be seen as a war President" for political capital.